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Flexible Roofing Financing with Financeit

Many people prefer to pay in instalments for a major investment like roofing or siding. If that’s your case, consider our Financeit plan. It’s a flexible, straightforward option. Read our reviews on Home stars

  • It takes barely five minutes to complete the financing application. And do it wherever: at home or on the go, using your preferred device.

  • Getting pre-approved for up to $100,000 can take only a matter of seconds.

  • Customize your monthly or biweekly payment to suit your household’s budget.

  • With our “open” loans, you can make bigger payments and even repay everything in advance without penalty.

  • Once approved for credit, you can check the details of your loan online any time.

  • Count on the Financeit team for guidance with your application should you need help. Feel free to call us at 1-888-536-3025.