Many people prefer to pay in instalments for a major investment like roofing or siding. If that’s your case, consider our Financeit plan. It’s a flexible, straightforward option. Read our reviews on Home stars

Flexible Roofing Financing with Financeit
It takes barely five minutes to complete the financing application. And do it wherever: at home or on the go, using your preferred device.
Getting pre-approved for up to $100,000 can take only a matter of seconds.
Customize your monthly or biweekly payment to suit your household’s budget.
With our “open” loans, you can make bigger payments and even repay everything in advance without penalty.
Once approved for credit, you can check the details of your loan online any time.
Count on the Financeit team for guidance with your application should you need help. Feel free to call us at 1-888-536-3025.